Bottle Waste Quiz image frame

Bottle Waste Quiz

Plastic waste reduction

Learning outcome

Students will

  • reflect on their own bottled drink consumption.
  • critically reflect on their own position as consumers.
  • become aware of the effects of consumption decisions.
  • realise that by drinking tap water, they can start to reduce waste.
  • set goals to produce less plastic waste and dispose of it appropriately. 

Time required

1 hour

Tools or equipment

  • Bags or baskets with the bottle waste from your school (e.g., from one day or one week)
  • Poster
  • Pens   

Additional material:

Activity description

In this activity, the school's plastic bottle waste is scrutinised: How high is the savings potential? How can we become a plastic bottle-free school?

1. Quiz for the whole school

  • Collect the entire schools bottle waste for 1 day (or 1 week).
  • Ask students to estimate the amount of the (daily, weekly) bottle waste from the school. Question: Here is one day's bottle waste from our school. On very hot days, it can be even more. How many bottles do you think are in the basket/bag on the floor...?
  • The students give an estimate.

2. Count the bottle waste and compare with the votes

  • After everyone has voted, the bottles are counted and compared with the estimates given. Who was closest?
  • The winners class gets a prize (e.g., a visit to the drinking water supplier, or the waste disposal centre).

3. Present and discuss the result

  • Calculate the school's annual bottle waste based on the daily waste.
  • Display the school's calculated amount of plastic bottle waste per year on a poster.
  • What could we do as a school to reduce this amount or become a plastic bottle-free school (e.g., become a waterschool, use vending machines with refillable glass bottles, or with a „fill your own bottle“ function)?
  • Set up an action plan to reduce the bottle-waste.

4. Consolidation of what was learnt.

  • For evaluation repeat the „bottle waste counting“- activity after a few months. Could we reduce our plastic waste? What was successful?

Additional activities:

  • Become a „Waterschool“, see resource Waterschools
  • Promote tap water, see resource Story of Bottled Water
  • Tap water challenge: Try to drink only tap water for a week (or 2 weeks). Do you notice any changes in yourself? (Are you more alert? Is your skin better? Do you have headaches? How do you feel?)

Tips how to implement the topic to school curriculum

Nature: Environmental protection and sustainability, consumer education

Maths: Working with tables, displaying numbers, estimating numbers

Geography: Working with tables and numbers