Find where you belong
Předcházení vzniku odpadu - potraviny
An activity to look at where food is best stored, to preserve it longer and avoid waste.
Výsledek učení
Pupils in class:
- Learn where to place and how to store products properly
- Learn how to extend the lifetime of foods and products
- Learn new sustainability practices
Potřebný čas
2 lesson units
Potřebné vybavení
- Coloured pens
- Coloured papers
- Scissors
Popis aktivity
Discuss with the pupils if they are aware,m that they have the ability to extend the lifetime of many foods and products. Ask the children what their favourite foods are. Which fruits and veggies they like and where they store it at home.
- Divide children into groups.
- Draw or create paper 3D model of fridge.
- Draw or create paper 3D model of baskets or food shelves
- Draw or place your favourite foods and products into fridge, basket or shelf.
You can also just write names of the products on the model. In this step you need to learn and decide where to place food and store it properly. Some foods and products need to be stored in a cold place and some of them not.
- Fill the fridge and freezer below with your favourite products properly. You can use some products from the list below. Some of them don’t have to be stored in the fridge.
List of the products:
- uneaten pesto
- unfinished jam
- cheese
- fresh meat
- frozen peas
- fresh peas
- bananas
- eggs
- tomatoes
- uneaten pasta with cheese
Realizace aktivity
Art - You can do this activity in Art class and use active learning while creating.