Bottle waste challenge
Předcházení vzniku odpadu - plasty
A practical activity to count, forecast and reduce plastic bottles in school.
Výsledek učení
Students will
- reflect on their own bottled drink consumption.
- critically reflect on their own position as consumers.
- become aware of the effects of consumption decisions.
- realise that by drinking tap water, they can start to reduce waste.
- set goals to produce less plastic waste and dispose of it appropriately.
Potřebný čas
1 hour
Potřebné vybavení
- Bags or baskets with the bottle waste from your school (e.g., from one day or one week)
- Poster
- Pens
Additional material:
- collection of educational materials on the topic of tap water instead of plastic-filled drinks on the website waterschools.eu
- Plastic pollution – global brand audit report
Popis aktivity
In this activity, the school's plastic bottle waste is scrutinised: How high is the savings potential? How can we become a plastic bottle-free school?
1. Quiz for the whole school
- Collect the entire schools bottle waste for 1 day (or 1 week).
- Ask students to estimate the amount of the (daily, weekly) bottle waste from the school. Question: Here is one day's bottle waste from our school. On very hot days, it can be even more. How many bottles do you think are in the basket/bag on the floor...?
- The students give an estimate.
2. Count the bottle waste and compare with the votes
- After everyone has voted, the bottles are counted and compared with the estimates given. Who was closest?
- The winners class gets a prize (e.g., a visit to the drinking water supplier, or the waste disposal centre).
3. Present and discuss the result
- Calculate the school's annual bottle waste based on the daily waste.
- Display the school's calculated amount of plastic bottle waste per year on a poster.
- What could we do as a school to reduce this amount or become a plastic bottle-free school (e.g., become a waterschool, use vending machines with refillable glass bottles, or with a 'fill your own bottle' function)?
- Set up an action plan to reduce the bottle-waste.
4. Consolidation of what was learnt.
- For evaluation repeat the 'bottle waste counting'- activity after a few months. Could we reduce our plastic waste? What was successful?
Additional activities:
- Become a 'Waterschool', see resource Waterschools
- Promote tap water, see resource Story of Bottled Water
- Tap water challenge: Try to drink only tap water for a week (or 2 weeks). Do you notice any changes in yourself? (Are you more alert? Is your skin better? Do you have headaches? How do you feel?)
Realizace aktivity
Nature: Environmental protection and sustainability, consumer education
Maths: Working with tables, displaying numbers, estimating numbers
Geography: Working with tables and numbers