Fill your own bottle or cup – vending machine image frame

Fill your own bottle or cup – vending machine

Намаляване на пластмасовите отпадъци

An activity for secondary school aged change-makers to look at waste-free vending machines.

Резултати от обучението

Students will

  • experience, in everyday school life, that they can do without plastic.
  • recognise that the school community can take action to solve the waste problem.
  • understand business management considerations.

Необходимо време

2 hours

Инструменти или оборудване

Computer, tablet

Описание на дейностите

Many secondary schools and sports facilities for young people have vending machines. Young people are accustomed to buying drinks in plastic bottles, which, once consumed, leave plastic waste.

This activity encourages students of secondary schools to initiate change at school by replacing vending machines that use disposable plastic bottles.

They start by researching which suppliers offer vending machines (for cold drinks and coffee) that allow users to fill their own bottles. They then prepare documents for the school management or community to support a decision to eliminate plastic bottles at the school.

No disposable bottles – no waste – no need for disposal!

1. Research

Students research providers for:

  • Hot drink vending machines without disposable waste.
  • Cold drink vending machines that allow users to fill their own refillable bottles or cups.

2. Decision-making document

Students obtain price quotations, compare prices, and prepare a decision-making document for the school community.

3. Presentation

Students present the results to the school community, management, or the parents' association.

A contract with the vending machine operator for the next school year can then be arranged.

Additional material

Example: Bettidrink – Vending machine

Съвети как да приложите темата в училищната програма

All subjects: Improving your research skills, organisational skills, presentational skills
Computer Science: Formatting documents